Published On: 4 May 2022Categories: Industry Channel News

Spare a thought for Team Toyota down in Durban. A flooded factory is no joke – but report that Toyota Japan have already sent assistance in people echoes with what yours truly knows about Japan and their responses to natural disasters. The entire island of Japan is pretty much a history of disasters and the resilience built into the Japanese people should not be under-estimated.

During our press launches and interactions with the Toyota team locally though I think the Japanese can rest assured that the operation is in the very best of hands.

We understand that this is a disaster that will take some time to resolve. The knock on effects on more than Toyota will be significant, but that they will be resolved will be beyond doubt. Toyota is resilient, their management world class and their people cast from the same mould as the Japanese. Whilst they get on with getting it done, we wish them the best.

Will and Al.


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