Published On: 13 Dec 2022Categories: Featured

December 2022

In the biggest news of the year, as far as we’re concerned anyway, it turns out that Alfa’s are bad for Alan’s health. He suffered a minor stroke in Cape Town after the Tonale launch and post driving a 4C for fun. Happily it was a minor stroke and whilst he’s been booked off from driving for a while he’s OK, recovering at a remarkable rate of knots and extremely grateful for all the support and well wishes received from every corner.

The channel continues to grow and as we add content to it you’ll see us hopefully rivalling our media partners in ChangeCars for our subscribers vs their number of cars for sale through their already substantial sized network (at last count over 19k cars!). It’s a friendly contest between us.

We’ve started to change the back end of the site to make it easier to upload content now – our apologies for the lack thereof whilst the techies have been doing their thing in the background. We’re beginning to develop a new sense of appreciation for the costs of content creation and the fact that as we feel our way into this site that we have much work still to do to get MORE and MORE on to the platform. Do please share and feel free to pass your comment and contributions on what we do anytime. We’re always happy to hear voices from the ‘other side’ of the screen because it means we’re reaching people and that is kind of the point!

All that’s left for 2022 is happy holidays to all of you – I shall be on a beach, Al shall in therapy and that’s pretty much setting us up for 2023 which is already kicking off with a fizz in the iPace from Jag which I am very much looking forward to spending some quality time in but I can see Alan will not give it up too easily…

Will and Al,
Webmaster and Publisher



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